Other Stars,

other planets. Where, you may ask? Why, there's one of them right there, orbiting HD 189733, in the left center of the picture, or at least where you'd find it. A Jupiter-size gas giant. One of many that are being discovered now that scientists are really beginning to take a look. It adds more credence to the theory that we are not alone in the universe. Hundreds of billions of stars, in hundreds of billions of galaxies. I'd say the odds are pretty good there are at least a few other civilizations out there. The universe is so incredibly huge, so beyond our ability to really comprehend it's scope, how can you not marvel at God's work? I do not think that science and theology are at odds; what is known scientifically points to the existence of a higher Being behind it all.
Check out the rest of this incredible site. It's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive. But don't blame me if you get lost there for hours just looking at the spectacular pictures. Many are from the Hubble space telescope, and are "deep-field" images - a minute piece of the sky equivalent to the size of a grain of sand held at arm's length.
Kinda keeps things in perspective...


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