The Biggest Thing Wrong with Politicians Is...

they are politicians. And frankly, I do not understand how they think (a word used loosely in this context).
Victor Davis Hanson has the right idea of a sure-win platform:

I don't quite understand why one party or the other doesn't campaign on delivering more energy to the American people to lower costs, keep the world price down, and money out of the hands of terrorists, and to address U.S. debt and the falling dollar. There seems no contradiction between wanting nuclear power, clean coal, tar and shale, more drilling off our coasts and Alaska — and more conservation, more money for hydrogen, biofuels, more solar, wind, etc.
Providing both short- and long-term energy policies would be most beneficial to our country's well-being, and we would stop sending billions and billions of our dollars to countries who do not wish us all the best.
Come on, politicians, stand up for America for a change and use some common sense! That's the "change" we really need.
VDH is an extremely interesting professor who has a knack for distilling the goings-on in the world today into coherent points and observations. I highly recommend his blog here.


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